The notification window does not close on Ubuntu 10.04 + Google Chrome or Chromium. I have to close the browser entirely to get it to go away. Does anyone else have this problem?
It's not just in Jetpack, but in Firefox overall. I have a Google Reader notifier extension that sends notifications even when I have full screen applications open.
I assume you mean Chrome but not Safari? Presumably it needs to display the notifications using operating system APIs, so it needs cooperation from the embedding browser.
Well, it's called "Webkit" but it looks like Safari. I was under the impression that Webkit is the browser AND the rendering engine. Otherwise wouldn't they call it a Safari nightly?
Good to see these desktop style services coming to WebKit. My CS final year project was to build a bridge between JavaScript and desktop services. Unfortunately, I never built it but I did spec it.
Well, I'd rather sacrifice HTML than the desktop integration in such visually important part of the desktop. In fact, desktop notifications spec (for Linux desktops) allows (very) small subset of HTML, which should fully suffice for any reasonable bubble-styled notifications.
Making custom themes to match the style of the desktop would be ultimately painful, and even impossible for quite (too much, maybe) sophisticated KDE's plasma notifications. What a pity.
The actual notification display doesn't appeal to me, in fact I think it's a horrible idea (though I realize it's intended for Chrome OS), but if another native notification system could intercept... that would be nice.
You can, but the support is only optional. I don't know why, but if you use recent gnome notification-daemon and that standard (black, I believe) theme, it escapes the markup. In fact, it already shows all the text in notification in bold, no matter what you do. I have no idea why, that small HTML subset is directly supported and used in GTK+, so they actually had to explicitly filter escape it, otherwise, it would work. Older notification-daemon themes allowed it. (Example: