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But Ethernet isn't included on many laptops anymore...

This rush to be "thin" has required changing the physical ports, and has contributed heavily to this issue.

For a few years there will be confusion as cables/connectors/standards shake out, but it's gonna be awesome after that when we have super thin laptops that just use one connector.

There is no reasonable excuse that a laptop need be so thin that it cannot accommodate an ethernet port.

Oh well, I'm a late-twenties dinosaur that still expects to be able to remove batteries and pop off panels to upgrade hard disks and RAM...

I bet it has more to do with the amount of use these ports get (i.e. less and less people using ethernet). And besides, when I get to work, I hook up my laptop to a plain old USB hub which has an ethernet connection.

Exactly, anyone sitting down at a desk would prefer to plug in one cable that include power, ethernet, keyboard, mouse, and external display. These thunderbolt cables are the dream, it's just going to take a couple years for the peripheral market to catch up (surprisingly the iPhone is included in this).

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