>It also mixes application logic and recovery logic.
When did this separation become law ? What if the "application logic" requires recovery ?
>They could at least, you know, have an Either type or something
(int64, error) in func ParseInt() (int64, error) is your Either type. And checking if you got the "left or the right side of the Either" is IMHO much shorter and clearer than in Scala.
The convention is that if the err == nil then the value is not nil. The exceptions to this rule are very few and usually specified in the documentation. Normally you only have to check for error.
When did this separation become law ? What if the "application logic" requires recovery ?
>They could at least, you know, have an Either type or something
(int64, error) in func ParseInt() (int64, error) is your Either type. And checking if you got the "left or the right side of the Either" is IMHO much shorter and clearer than in Scala.
>backed up by Rob Pike's pseudointellectual bullshit and a bunch of Silicon Valley 20somethings
Why the ad hominems ?