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Do you have anything in your home that you might wish to keep private? Any texts with loved ones? How about any intimate moments, whispered nothings that you would prefer not be recorded?

Oh, you say you have nothing to hide.

Do you have a bank account? An investment portfolio? College funds for your kids?

A skilled attacker can make all of that vanish.

Without many people noticing, the IoT has slowly invaded the average American home. Almost every TV is a Smart TV, internet gateways are smarter, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, light bulbs, door locks, refrigerators, thermostats...

With a little effort, an average pen tester could own your system, publish your secrets, steal your life savings, record you with your wife, and brick your iPhone, TV, and furnace just for good measure.

It's time to take IoT security seriously.

*It actually was on Mr. Robot. There was a subplot wherein Darlene compromises an E-Corp exec's smart home, causes the appliances and security system to malfunction to drive away the occupant, and then uses the place as a hideout.

Even if you literally have nothing valuable to hide, consider that a hacked device on your network could be used for malicious things like DDOS, hosting illegal content, proxies for other attacks, etc etc.

More importantly, consider how much more empowered malicious state-backed entities become. At the moment we can only be surveilled (which is plenty terrifying). What happens when we can be physically influened remotely at scale

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