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Did rubyonrails.org get hijacked? (rubyonrails.org)
68 points by fretlessjazz on April 20, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 26 comments


"Getting fucked over on the Rails domain again this year by buydomains.dk. But shame is on me for not moving it last year :("

Buying the domain using a crap registrar and not renewing for more 1 year at a time (this happened last year too) seems strange and naive, particularly when we're talking about Rails, which has a pretty big community which depends on info on that site (mainly for documentation).

(and I wish he wasn't as foul-mouthed as he is. it always looks weird from a community "leader" as he is for ROR)

if only dhh had access to some kind of web-based calendar where he could have made a note to renew the domain...

I would up vote you more, but you're at 37 points right now

She is quietly judging all of us..

It's expired - it happened before. Not sure why they can't renew for more than a year

Expiration Date:19-Apr-2011 22:40:29 UTC

What's $10 more dollars between the frustration of getting your domain back! I urge everyone to have 1 year registrations on their domains and definitely never use auto-renew!

She stole my domain last month when my registrar didn't notify me of expiration. The first time I saw that smirk, I wanted to ring her neck. http://jstaten.com

I know that feeling. :(

If you think a site is temporarily under control of someone other than its usual trusted maintainers ('hijacked'), please don't promote more visits to the site with a link.

The site should be visited less, not more, until the question is resolved -- if your theory is true, the 'hijackers' may have both malicious intent and unpatched browser-linked flaws to exploit against visitors.

Yea, also if you come across a traffic-accident then don't stop and watch.

Wonder why that kind of advice never works, not even when printed in italics...

Properly understood, the advice against visiting hijacked sites is more like, "don't stare into a solar eclipse".

If you want the api docs you can search them here in the meantime: http://apidock.com/rails/search

rubyonrails.com doesn't seem to have the api docs anywhere.

Rails is my framework of choice, but man, that shatters some of my confidence :)

This is the generic parking page of Enom.com. Buydomains.dk is apparently a reseller, and therefore this page shows up.

the image looks like it could be from UT, but lots of college campuses probably look alike.

i've been trying to hit the API all day!

I hope that girl wearing the backpack got paid a lot of money because I see her picture all the damn time.

If you are in the mission district of SF, Adobe books was recently featuring an art exhibit that included an oil rendition of her. It might still be up!

anyone know the origin of that photo? I'm surprised there's not a parody on that one.

I believe the photographer posted to a thread on reddit or something. IIRC both he and the girl are getting residuals off the stock photo site he uses. It's not a great deal of money though.

Steller Photography took that shot. It's from iStockPhoto - he (the photog) actually has a whole gallery of shots of her: http://www.istockphoto.com/file_search.php?action=file&f...

http://rubyonrails.com/ is working, by the way.

API docs (which would be on api.rubyonrails.org, now .com) on the other hand, are not.

while is_question.rhetorical?

  puts "seems like it"

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