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The pragmatic programmer tips (pragprog.com)
60 points by kunqiana on April 20, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

If there's one thing in here that I wish I could drill into every programmer's head, it's that abstractions are longer-lived than details. So few programmers seem to understand how important abstractions are.

According to the Antipatterns book, only 1 in 5 programmers "get" abstraction, which roughly matches my quarter century experience in the real world.

A corollary of this is that absent really good hiring practices, "democratic" design processes are doomed to fail, since the non-abstractionists invariably out vote the ones who get it.

This is a fascinating comment. As someone who thinks he gets abstraction I'd love to hear some real world examples on the off chance I'm deluded. How do we know if we're actually non-abstractionists?

Pretty much by definition you'd have to be told by an abstractionist ^_^.

More usefully, look at some APIs that have earned serious respect, especially by people who clearly are abstractionists. If you don't "get" too many of the reasons why, then you probably aren't (yet) an abstractionist.

This also applies to languages and idioms in them. If you grok SICP, you're probably an abstractionist (if you don't, I wouldn't say you necessarily aren't one).

The best self-test, and it's eerie when it happens, is that you design a greenfield (new) architecture and start building it, and then discover that it solves problems you didn't realize you had. I suspect this requires a fair degree of experience: it happened to me in the mid-90s, having stared programming in 1978 ... although maybe I got a taste of it in 1992. But it might have happened earlier if I'd had a chance to do a greenfields project earlier.

Some facility with abstract math is a good sign, e.g. can you do pure algebraic manipulation, especially outside the context of solving a real world problem?

Do you get told frequently that your ideas are far too complex? This is probably the biggest sign that you're an abstractionist (or at least are more of one than your team). One thing that I've found helpful is learning to translate "that's too complex" into "I don't understand you", unless it's provided with a very clear explanation of why it's too complex.

Once you learn to do that, it becomes much easier to tell if you actually understand something they don't or if your ideas are genuinely really complex.

"Test Your Software, or Your Users Will Test ruthlessly. Don’t make your users find bugs for you." At my current workplace, this is seen as a feature, not a bug! (having the users find the bugs). And no, I don't work for Microsoft.

I have not read this book but the list of tips seemed to be bit too much. I am really a fan of all simplicity and tips from getting real book.

But someone who has read both books can explain it better.

Well, for what it's worth, I really liked it and consider it a keeper. It's on my bookshelf between "Programming Pearls" and "Mythical Man month".

It's less about programming per se and more about how to think about programming.

I found the book underwhelming, but then I realized that programming blogs have probably ripped off every single paragraph.

I preferred Kernighan and Pike's _The Practice of Programming_ to both TPP and Code Complete, though. _Programming Pearls_ (and its sequel) have also held up well to repeated reading.

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