It depends how much time you want to spend on it. If it's a simple app you'll never touch again then ms stuff is meant for turn and burn apps without learning anything.
If you want just Templating and always open connections for building backend site builder tools then PHP is your language.
If you want free and scalable with as little code as possible with building files you never have to write again then Python Django restful API and angular2.
If you plan for this to be worked on indefinitely and it'll be customized every day and you know the greatest will stay with you with high risk, then vanilla js and nodejs.
If you want as quick as possible but with a scalable price then reactjs and firebase.
If you want just Templating and always open connections for building backend site builder tools then PHP is your language.
If you want free and scalable with as little code as possible with building files you never have to write again then Python Django restful API and angular2.
If you plan for this to be worked on indefinitely and it'll be customized every day and you know the greatest will stay with you with high risk, then vanilla js and nodejs.
If you want as quick as possible but with a scalable price then reactjs and firebase.