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Are any companies switching from React to Vue? I'd be interested in hearing about that.

Our company migrated to vue.js, 4 months ago. Our complex app is messy with JSX, router, and new dev can't keep up with code. Now we start every new app with Vue.js. The gap between junior dev and senior dev comes closer. They can collaborate with less bugs, less problems and less time to develop.

New React projects are today much simpler, thanks to new libraries to manage state like Mobx, or efficient starter kits. So without denying the benefits you encounter with the migration to Vue.js, I think that a full rewrite of you React app in "modern React" would have been a good thing too.

And how long until the next "modern React" will land? That's what drove me away from React.

Before, React projects evolved because they have to. They became too complex, to clumsy, etc. But now ? React is stable, the way to develop apps is well known, etc.

I'd probably like to spend dev time on meeting business demands rather than rewriting the whole project every time a new modern something pops up. Vue 2 breaks little in terms of compatibility with Vue 1.

Great to see here an engineering approach, based on analyzing the needs and the effects of the use the tool, it's different to the usual hipsters comments extolling React and JSX to the skies.

Don't you use router with vue.js? And what's so messy about JSX?

We were considering and experimenting with react at one point, but in the end we were left with polymer and vuejs as our options.

We went with polymer for web standards, bigger ecosystem and great encapsulation options. Everybody loves the change.

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