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May reason trump the Trump in all of us (scottaaronson.com)
7 points by anatoly on Oct 20, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Bad title for a great post. This is especially good:

It sort of flabbergasts me when social-justice activists don’t understand that, if we condemn not only Trump, not only his supporters, but even vociferous Trump opponents who associate with Trump supporters (!), all we’ll do is to feed the narrative that got Trumpism as far as it has—namely, that of a smug, bubble-encased, virtue-signalling leftist elite subject to runaway political correctness spirals.

I had hoped the rise of Trump would kill the 'political correctness' nonsense the right-wing pushes once and for all.

It's a conspiracy theory just as much as 'climate change is a Chinese hoax', 'globalist bankers are plotting to destroy the US economy's, 'Mexico is intentionally sending its rapists' or 'the war on Christmas'.

Notably, PC-attackers focus on colleges and young people, which is the segment that overwhelmingly reject Trumpism (coming fourth in several polls). No wonder they're scared, the GOP is dead to young people.

Instead it seems like we just have to wait for the victims of this hoax to die off and the people who have been running the media campaign dedicated to scaring them to retire before sanity returns.

My fear is not that either Trump or Clinton will win, or that either person's triumph will unleash purges or counter-purges.

What I fear is that four or eight years later, the problems that made Trump (and to a lesser extent Bernie Sanders) gain so much traction with the electorate will remain, or perhaps worsen.

People might not care about experience or character by then. They'll drink the sand anyway.

Thiel seems pretty dangerous on his own, regardless of Trump support. A really smart billionaire who seems to have taken against the idea of democracy sounds like a comic book villain.

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