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I like the analysis, definitely some points I didn't consider.

The Java points are certainly fair enough, although I'm unsure how much of the target market actually uses Java. Java as the author states, is number 1 in enterprise, a space where moving to a new database can take a great deal of research and A/B testing.

I feel if the Java community was interested in RethinkDB, a few community tools would have popped up to do the tasks the author discusses.

I certainly disagree with the author regarding point 5. Change feeds were one of the substantial competitive advantages it had over other databases. Rethinkdb was trying to innovate, and produce a unique and beneficial product rather than build another NoSQL product.

Interesting that the reference that the author used was their own company - I find it difficult to believe Pojo and Java 8 library stopped it taking the Java world by storm. I see a few java clients back in 2013 - that appear to have very little interest from the Java community.

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