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> If money is speech [...] and [someone donates money to a] campaign, then [they effectively are] saying what [the candidate] is saying.

No, they're just saying they support that candidate. Maybe they support every position they hold, but that's not a corollary. Maybe they just really dislike the alternative candidates, and maybe they made this decision solely based on comparing two candidates on a single issue.

This rant isn't directed at you (or the article for that matter), but I have a disdain for people who decry single-issue voters. For whatever reason, being a single-issue voter is seen as this taboo that any educated and cultured individual ought to stay away from. I think that's bullshit, especially in a political realm as polarized as ours. In my eyes, there's nothing "wrong" with being a single issue voter. For any given individual, certain topics in politics affect them disproportionately. The idea that people shouldn't account for that when making their decision comes entirely from an ego-driven world of journalists, politicians, and academics who need to convince themselves that they consider politics from a hilltop, above and beyond the mere peasants who only care about themselves and their personal life.

And to bring this back to the topic at hand, if you agree with what I'm saying about single-issue voting, I think it's inconsistent to think that it reflects personally on someone to support Trump.

If you are a single issue voter that is:

    * against foreign intervention
    * concerned about the federal budget
    * against the ACA
    * against common core and the department of education
    * for allowing marijuana legalization by individual states
    * etc. etc. etc.
You might find yourself supporting Trump. And you still might not like what he says sometimes. And you might not be a horrible person to your core.

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