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What about Brendan Eich and Prop 8? It was acceptable to denounce him then. But supporting Thiel is okay?

People can think what they want about Prop 8 he shouldn't have been forced out of Mozilla because of this. There is absolutely not 1 proof that he behaved inappropriately at Mozilla. His track record was almost flawless there. He was pushed out by people who clearly don't care about Mozilla, just about unrelated politics and of course ,nobody can ignore the cabal right here against Eich on HN. It was despicable back then it still is now.

It's exactly the same things as the handful of idiots who tried to paint Doug Crockford as a misogynist and kicked him out of Nodevember conference. These people don't have the best interests of the technology community in mind. For them getting the head of this or that prominent guy is just about collecting trophies.

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