Interesting...even with a greater existential threat...the lack of available media made it less of a focus? Even if people had wanted to discuss, they wouldn't have had the platform or information available to have a discussion about the threat of nuclear war?
< the lack of available media made it less of a focus?
Yes x10. Atomic war..any subject, really. We didn't know what we didn't have. If it wasnt on the tv or paper it didn't exist.
"Oddballs" talked about DDT, women's rights, ozone layer,
Poverty, gambling, single parenthood- you name the subject.
Letters to editors gave others' voices. But no way to communicate back. Magazines gave voices too, but weekly or monthly.
Aside from civil rights and anti Vietnam war organizing there was not much organizing going on.
I recall a spray painted "go to dc Jan 20" on a pinball joint in my university city hometown.
Printed flyers on poles organized people for war protests.
The first real "always talked about " thing was Watergate hearings and then of course the Iran hostages and Nightline each night. Constant update on the subject.
Talk radio did not exist back then. Am radio djs talked but. Never political