additionally some of the structural tradeoffs involved in ceramics may be unacceptable for general survivability in a phone-sized form factor.
Um, yes. Look how much trouble Apple has with bending. Remember "bendgate". A ceramic will crack, not bend.
The other direction, flexible phones, has promise. Flexible printed circuits already exist. Flexible displays exist. Flexible batteries are probably possible. Flexible front transparent cover should be possible. Samsung has tried some things in this space, and has shipped a slightly curved phone. So far, no really flexible phones. The main problem is making it flexible while limiting the amount of bend. Maybe a stiff flat spring...
I've seen bendable batteries that can even be cut in half without danger (and they still work!) I even have some samples in my closet somewhere:
I doubt anybody wants a bendy battery in their phone anytime soon, given heightening consumer awareness of how dangerous high energy Lithium Ion can be, and how sensitive they are to damage.
> given heightening consumer awareness of how dangerous high energy Lithium Ion can be, and how sensitive they are to damage.
I assume you're talking about the Note 7? To be honest, I think the details about the why and how of the Note 7 fires are lost on the general populace. Most people don't particularly care why (and they shouldn't need to), they just care that it happens.
Um, yes. Look how much trouble Apple has with bending. Remember "bendgate". A ceramic will crack, not bend.
The other direction, flexible phones, has promise. Flexible printed circuits already exist. Flexible displays exist. Flexible batteries are probably possible. Flexible front transparent cover should be possible. Samsung has tried some things in this space, and has shipped a slightly curved phone. So far, no really flexible phones. The main problem is making it flexible while limiting the amount of bend. Maybe a stiff flat spring...