You're describing what ADD/ADHD+OCD feels like. I recently realized I had a problem and went to a psychiatrist. The meds they prescribed helped quite a bit.
I doubt we're talking about the same things. I generally don't have any trouble focusing -- long lectures/tests, projects when I find my flow, etc.. I tend to prefer reading entire books in a single sitting, for example. In fact, if anything my problem goes the other way -- I get way too engrossed and have trouble breaking away.
What I'm talking about here is a tendency I've noticed in myself to put off starting things sometimes but not others. When I do put things off, I've noticed they fall into the above buckets. I've gotten much better about this over time as I've learned to manage it.
I just want to say that, ADHD is misnamed disorder. I have it, and thought for most of my life I couldn't because although I do have trouble with focus when it comes to boring stuff, if I found something interesting it was all I could focus on.
ADHD is just the misregulation of focus, people with ADHD get Hyperfocus ( and that sounds exactly like what you are describing.
Thanks for this, looking through the wikipedia page on Adult ADHD hits a little close to home. Having never been someone prone to hyperactivity, or lacking in attention once it's set to something, I never really thought to look into the disorder. The sleep onset insomnia and disorganization seem especially relevant personally.
Agreed. I had my diagnosis little over a year and half ago, and I know all of these too well. In any case though, without a professional evaluation, one can never be sure.