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I would love to have something like AWS Lambda that can be self hosted on something like this or Flynn.

I know a lot of enterprises that are interested in using serverless arch (the framework serverless[0], not the literal definition of not using servers) but don't want to use AWS or other public cloud providers.

[0]: https://serverless.com

This would be great!

The open source Parse server (https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server) already works on Flynn, and we can't wait until someone implements an open source system like Lambda.

Me too! We've been considering migrating off Lambda native to serverless or Chalice[1], but I keep thinking kubernetes is perfect for self-hosting this (or could be? Maybe?). I have one thing bookmarked in this direction, funcktion [2], and another that looks less... mature, open lambda [3] but would love to hear thoughts/other options if anyone has tried any of these.

[1] https://github.com/awslabs/chalice [2] https://github.com/fabric8io/funktion [3] http://www.open-lambda.org/

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