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I run flynn as a local staging/CI service in our networking closet. It allows us to rapidly try out new apps/services in an environment that approaches production on a couple of machines we had lying around super quickly.

There are still a couple of rough edges, specifically around upgrading and persistence across power failures, which is unlikely in a datacenter, but aside from those things, all in all excellent.

In particular, though, the flynn.io team are particularly excellent in terms of support.

> In particular, though, the flynn.io team are particularly excellent in terms of support.

Seconding this. I've had many (like 10 or 20) very positive experiences with them, where I went from "OMG WORLD IS ON FIRE" to "oh, sweet, I just delete this row in postgres?"

Thanks for using Flynn!

> There are still a couple of rough edges, specifically around upgrading and persistence across power failure

Indeed, we have been finding and fixing bugs in these two areas lately, and things have been improving. Next week's stable release will have a bunch of fixes for issues we found. We also recently added a bunch of new test coverage for backup/restore, which should ensure that future upgrades go smoothly.

As always, if you see any issues please let us know so that we can fix them!

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