> In today's world finding your full name and address is incredibly easy. Yes, finding which precinct you vote in isn't as easy
That's fairly easy, too, since there is usually a direct mapping between addresses and precincts.
But to cast a fraudulent vote it takes more than doing that, it takes finding that information and using it to vote before the legitimate voter does -- and to do it undetected requires the legitimate voter not voting after you've done it, either.
That's only a problem when a legitimate voter exists (edit: and hasn't died, as Chicago is notorious for). If we never require verifiable ID, how do we limit fraud in registration?
That's fairly easy, too, since there is usually a direct mapping between addresses and precincts.
But to cast a fraudulent vote it takes more than doing that, it takes finding that information and using it to vote before the legitimate voter does -- and to do it undetected requires the legitimate voter not voting after you've done it, either.