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Acroform support (so not the proprietary Adobe Livecycle XFA stuff) is relatively straightforward once you understand the underlying PDF specs. It's been around since PDF 1.2 (1996!!)

At the rate I see development moving, pdf.js should be able to handle, say, every IRS form well before the end of the year, perhaps much sooner.

If I had the skills or resources to help now, I would.

I still don't understand why Mozilla has apparently not reached out to the larger business/governmental universe to see if they could partner in moving pdf.js forward. A single large insurance company might spend millions each year on licensing and implementing pdf "solutions". I can only imagine what the US government uses (or could use.) Has anyone from Mozilla spoken to 18F?

Perhaps even a open (and not proprietary) JSON (instead of XML) based form standard for "next-generation" forms could be implemented, with PDF.js at its core. (see https://github.com/modesty/pdf2json I linked to before for an element of that...the author is an employee of Intuit...perhaps it's already being used by them for their online tax software?).

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