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If you're trying to enforce tested commits without running tests on what's actually committed, you're doing it wrong.

There's an inherent incompatibility between the supposed ways that the staging area can be replaced with other things. If you replace it with a commit you keep amending as you go, but also all commits must pass tests, then you can never commit partially complete code, which defeats the purpose of having the amending commit.

If you interactively choose what to commit at commit time, then you run the risk of failing the test and then, after fixing whatever was wrong, having to remember which parts of which files it was you chose to commit last time. Now, you could choose to have your CVS remember that for you, but then you're basically reinventing a less-capable version of the staging area.

If you simply commit everything, then you can never have any code in your working tree which breaks tests, nor can you have code which isn't logically part of the commit you're currently working on. In practice that means that when you find things that need fixing that aren't directly related to what you're doing, you either fix it and commit it with unrelated changes - which interacts poorly with merging or reverting those commits - or you don't fix it and, most probably, forget about it.

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