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Translation - Firefox wants to "leverage" some Chromium source code to reduce their workload.

If that means that they get to focus more effort on improving Firefox's now aging renderer, and continue to improve their JS engine, I'm all for it.

I wonder how long it is before they adopt Blink. So they can focus on more important things, of course.

I doubt that they would, because that would make a less diverse web, and take us back to about 2004 or so.

Which would be a very good thing, for we might witness the raise of a fresh new Mozilla and a new Firefox kicking ass, instead of watching year after year the decay of the current ones.

...Do you really think that would happen?

You give the world too much credit. If firefox jumped to blink, we'd just shrug our shoulders. A few of the hardcore would move to IceWeasel or PaleMoon, but the majority of people, even developers, might shake their heads a bit, but wouldn't really care all that much.

Hopefully, never. Because if they do that, then there won't be more important thing to focus on.

'aging renderer', aka Gecko? I thought the plan was to get an alpha product based around Servo in the next year or so.

Clinging to Gecko is akin to the slow death of Symbian when Maemo was around the corner.

There was an alpha product based on Servo in June this year. Servo is nowhere near being done enough to be an actual product (the alpha was a tech demo).

Some Servo components are close enough to being "done" that we're considering sharing them with gecko.

They're going to start integrating Servo components into Gecko, but Servo itself won't replace Gecko any time soon, AFAIK.

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