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Hi sorry this happened - most likely it is owned by a park.io user and they can set the price to whatever they want. Feel free to reach out support@park.io and I will see if I can help

Since you're here, maybe you could help us all understand your business better?

1. You are not getting .io names at a discount from nic.io? No insider deals/information?

2. The Only advantage you have at acquiring an expired domain names at nic.io is your propriatiatry program. A program that is just faster at buying these expiring domains--just faster than your competition?

3. You only know when a .io domain name is due to expire is by looking at the same WHOSIS info we look at?

4. I ask these questions because so many of these domain buying services are just to magical. We tend assume the worst.

I'm guessing it works like stock market bids from high-frequency traders?

They've bought up the closest server they can to the bid receiving server at the registrar and/or they send their purchase request before the domain becomes available -- accounting for the network latency -- so that their bid gets there at the exact millisecond that the domain drops.

My personal domain drops at 2018-0X-0YT00:00:00Z, then IIRC it takes 75 days for it to be cleared. So presumably if your request for that domain arrives at 1 microsecond after midnight on that date then you "win" it.

Surely there's no secret sauce beyond that?

Thanks for thinking park.io is magical! :)

We have no special advantage other than our knowledge and technology


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