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China begins operating world’s largest radio telescope (ap.org)
104 points by velodrome on Sept 25, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Don't use the sun as an amplification vector and attract Extraterrestrial attention!

Haha, Three Body is a great fiction story

Spoiler alert, that's still in my TOREAD list :/

Sorry :( You should still definitely read it! It's an excellent story.

can you please delete this, this is a spoiler (not the parent comment)

Everyone remembers what Arecibo was originally built for right?

I don't, and for those who like me didn't know:


Apparently it was initially meant to help identify re-entering warheads so that they could be shot down before hitting their targets.

Or pick up radio signals from Russia when they bounced off the moon... https://steveblank.com/secret-history/

The article mentions searching for gravitational waves. Anyone have info on how they might accomplish that via radio telescope?

Ah hah! I thought it might be something like that, but figured there was something I wasn't considering. Thanks for the link.

Strange that the last news from FAST was on August 9th: http://fast.bao.ac.cn/en/index_eng.html

Basically for month and a half pretty much no press releases from them.

I didn't see it in the article, but I recently heard that NIST played a role in the design of this telescope.

Sad this was promoted instead of this submission: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12574669

That is the original ap.org link

Sorry your submission didn't come out on top, but thanks for the link! We've updated the URL of this one from http://phys.org/news/2016-09-china-world-largest-radio-teles....

I love the light handed, thoughtful, considered moderation on HN. The contrast with Stack Overflow (as per an active thread at the moment) is stark. Well done, please keep it up.

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