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> It's unsupported software. If it works, great. If not, you're screwed.

Not entirely sure how you got to that conclusion. Afaik there are no know bugs. All issues on https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT/issues are related to adding further optimizations or otherwise improve LuaJIT. In the last year bugs have been fixed almost instantly after they have been posted to the LuaJIT mailing list. So while I'm still a bit sad that Mike is on his way out, I wouldn't call LuaJIT unsupported. It's still a great choice.

In the last year bugs have been fixed almost instantly

That's good to hear. Perhaps LuaJIT isn't "unsupported", but it does seem to be "in maintenance mode".

I would love to see, not just bug fixes to LuaJIT, but ongoing improvements. Unfortunately with Mike having stepped down, and there being no successor, nobody is making these improvements and nobody is driving the project forward.

For example, will the new garbage collector [1] ever be implemented? Will LuaJIT remain stuck at version 5.1 while PUC Lua continues to add new features?

[1]: http://wiki.luajit.org/New-Garbage-Collector

Mike Pall may not be maintaining Luajit any longer, but he still plays some sort of role preserving his legacy - shutting down genuine problems as wontfix. Here's one example:


This is not helpful.

I stand by my assessment that luajit is unsupported software. If it works for you - all the best.

What's wrong with not wanting the LuaJIT codebase to have a dependency on the C++ the runtime?

Just one of many issues not addressed. This code base is effectively frozen.

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