If your work isn't ready for people to try out yet, please
don't do a Show HN. Once it's ready, come back and do it then.
Blog posts, sign-up pages, and fundraisers can't be tried out,
so they can't be Show HNs.
Leafie is a real-time platform for open tutoring. Traditionally, students, professionals, and autodidacts have turned to online forums with their questions. Forums are great for crafting and archiving documentation, but they fail to provide conversation. Conversation means following up on those secondary questions that are born from answering a primary question. Conversation is informal - you might get your hands dirty.
On Leafie, user questions are posted to the question board and the creator is immediately taken to that post's associated collaborative room. Other users can join them there. If the room empties, the post is deleted, so every post on Leafie is always active.
The room includes three spaces: a syntax-highlighting text-editor, a bare-bones text editor, and a drawing canvas.
The question board affords us the opportunity to open up our questions to the world. The collaborative room allows us to really get into the details of the problem.
We hope that you find the answers you are looking for on Leafie.