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Sounds a lot like ADHD hyperfocus rather than passion.

How is passion different from ADHD hyperfocus and why does this sound more like ADHD hyperfocus? I mean, I'd describe this as passion. It might be that I see passion different from a lot of people or everyone has a different idea when they think about passion. Hence the question and curiosity.

Mainly that you said you have never heard anyone talk about passion in this respect as well as the description of ignoring loved ones. Speaking as someone diagnosed with ADHD, I have intense periods of hyperfocus where I can spend days on a topic to the detriment of my wife. It's possible that this is truly passion but over the last few years I've been able to "average" my hyperfocus so I don't go all in as often and then realize later that it may have been a passing notion that I can't sustain indefinitely.

If you're interested, the topic of hyperfocus comes up very often on the ADHD subreddit.

: https://www.reddit.com/r/adhd

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