If you're an amateur photographer, you don't have the resource to do anything other than occasionally google image search your own stuff and send a few DMCA notices.
Whereas tumblr is built on - literally made out of - the reproduction of images without the permission of the copyright holder.
There's no RIAA or MPAA for photographs that has the clout to force platforms to redesign their systems to pro-actively check for copyright infringement.
(I'm trying to scrupulously avoid saying which side is right here, just describing the situation)
Interesting - it's not an area that I know a lot about. I had just come across a Vancouver company called Copypants (https://www.copypants.com/) that is targeting this issue, (I have no affiliation), and so your comment made me curious.
Whereas tumblr is built on - literally made out of - the reproduction of images without the permission of the copyright holder.
There's no RIAA or MPAA for photographs that has the clout to force platforms to redesign their systems to pro-actively check for copyright infringement.
(I'm trying to scrupulously avoid saying which side is right here, just describing the situation)