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what are some good flickr alternatives for when they fully nix the product (store and manage all your photos)?

Sounds like my use case for Flickr differs a lot from the ones mentioned here. I don't store everything there (Over a terabyte of raw photos etc is not worth publishing;-), only photos I want to publish as an enthusiast photographer and see other photographers photos + talk about them. For that Flickr still trumps over 500px, Facebook* and any other service I've seen. Would've probably quit photography as a hobby multiple times without Flickr.

* Facebook is where other people are and there are some good groups but for really following other photographers it sucks + FB molesting JPEGs is just horrible.

FB molesting JPEGs -> upload them as PNGs, reasonably sized and pray. with a bit of luck, none will be reprocessed into crappy JPEG with highest compression available effectively ruining them (yeah, shame for FB, generally it's a piece of sh_t when it comes to technical quality of the site, albeit much better compared to what bugfest it was few years ago)

For social interaction Flickr still is the best. But I'm wondering whether 500px is better for the purpose to sell your photos

I've been using 500px lately for my publicly available photos. Seems to be the most popular alternative.

For private stuff I am hosting the originals on my own NAS and upload a copy in Google Photos for easy searching.

whoa this is pretty cool!

The ML classification based searching on Google Photos is awesome, no wonder Apple copied it in Sierra!

I'm considering paying for storage on Google Photos, so they'll host the original RAW files

Did you automate the NAS -> Google Photos upload? Does the script resize the photos to keep within the "free storage" requirements?

Thanks Jaisen, I'll see if I can adapt your workflow to my use case.

I'll have to check it out, thanks!

Instagram. You can use hashtags to organize your photos similar to Lightroom and tag your friends to keep track of who's in them. I also found out if you use the hidden "Full Ten" filter it retains the original quality.

Instagram is a horrible image portfolio system. It does not offer full res downloads, has zero exif data, extremely limited desktop app. Instagram is a social media app first, and a photo app second.

It appears the sarcasm was missed

such is the risk of performance art ;)

500px is apparently where all the cool kids go. I use Google Photos.

(500px has a really weird community. The hive mind likes photos edited to have a certain look, and there are lots of random people that show up to like your photos in the hope that you will like theirs, and they'll get popular enough to be featured on the front page. As a result, I don't use it. My friends on G+ are enough sharing for me :)

do you use Google Photos beyond just phone photos?

Yes. I export JPEGs from Lightroom into the Google Photos sync folder, then share those.

95 megapixel example: https://goo.gl/photos/EGkpBYN6Th58vp9w7

oh cool! denver?

Yup. Good place for both landscape and cityscape photography!

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