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Fibers in Guile Scheme (github.com/wingo)
74 points by srean on Sept 21, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 26 comments

Anyone using Guile for their projects? Any feedback on their experience with it?

I only know Scheme from reading SICP and enjoyed Clojure but hated the java/JVM part of it. I currently use Erlang for when I need concurrency/performant backends. But I'm not totally satisfied with it (for ex: the weak type system and records).

Edit: oh looks two programs I use all the time are written in Guile: GNU Make and WeeChat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Guile#Programs_using_Guile

I'm using Guile for Ao, a Scheme-based tool for solid modeling: https://mattkeeter.com/projects/ao (previous on HN at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12319406)

It's been a generally good experience. Scheme is fun, and Guile is a fine implementation. I'm not experienced enough to be pushing its limits – the only unusual corner I've explored is the C FFI, which is quite nice.

My only complaint is the consistency of Guile's documentation. It's generally of high quality, but there are corners that are completely undocumented – I've had a few cases where I had to dig into the implementation to figure out how to do something.

Alright, total stream of thought here:

Guile is cool, if possibly immature.

To this day, the largest project I've done in Guile was the entirety of the exercises short of Chapter 5 in SICP, wrote unit tests for the interpreter and the 'Prolog' implementation, the whole lot. All told I generated approximately 10KLOC of Guile code, some 20% of it using features like GOOPs, threading, dynamic-unwind and so on. It was largely a positive experience and I am really glad I read ahead and implemented a few things as GOOPs classes rather than used the OOP system described in the Book (particularly for the Constraint Solver!)

As part of this, I did run into some faulty code generation (inappropriate optimization) on the master branch while completing an early Chapter 4 exercise: "This code could do multiple things if we apply different models of an idealized computer language (each of which was advocated by 'Susan' and 'Bob' in typical SICP fashion)", I wrote an implementation inside my guile interpreter that got an unusual answer and asked the channel about it and everyone got to the bottom of it fairly quickly.

Speaking of which, Guile has a community of absolutely rabid fans all over the world and so the support in #guile is absolutely phenomenal, people like ijp and mark_weaver are both true 31337s and always can be relied on to offer sage advice.

You've brought up it's utility as a GNU extension language, and although I feel it's public documentation is not given a fair shake in the important arenas like GDB scripting, it is tremendously useful in this capacity. Of course, as an extension language itself, it excels. Excellent exposure and interaction with the bare-metal, good parallel & concurrent primitives (although they are more 'traditional', taking after the proud line of Pthreads than `link' or send/recieve in Erlang). It is quite large to statically link into your binary in comparison to other languages however, so be careful there.

Weechat itself is written in C, but it does have Guile extensions (and unfortunately I may be the only person in the world to take advantage of this while writing an extension however https://github.com/zv/weechat-gateway-replacer ).

The biggest piece of software using Guile I know of is GNU Guix[0], a functional package manager and declarative GNU/Linux distribution. It has dozens of contributors actively working on it.[1]

I contribute to Guix, but I also have my own projects[2] written in Guile. The only software that other people actually use, however, is Haunt, the static site generator that renders my blog (everyone needs to roll their own, right?)

[0] https://gnu.org/s/guix

[1] https://www.openhub.net/p/gnuguix

[2] https://dthompson.us/projects.html

I don't have much experience with Guile, but AFAIK both programs you mentioned are written in C, but support Guile in one way or another.

GNU Make supports Guile as an embedded extension language [0] and WeeChat supports Guile as a scripting language for writing plugins [1].

There are a few other apps mentioned on the Guile website [2] and more on their Libraries page [3].

[0]: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/make.git/commit/?id=c992c4d...

[1]: http://dev.weechat.org/post/2011/10/27/New-plugin-Guile

[2]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/#apps-using-guile

[3]: https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/libraries/

I started using guile at work, since I like scheme, and guile was the scheme that was available without installing anything new.

I prototype loads of small tools in guile, and some of the prototypes "stick" since they exceed expectations. The biggest one is a macro system for pascal that expands recursive macros and unrolls loops, generating _lots and lots_ of code.

My scheme implementation of choice is chicken, since they have a package manager with quite a lot of packages, but I really enjoy using guile. Really looking forward to the new 2.2 branch. We are using that in production, and we probably hit a sweet spot where the magic optimization dust gathered the most. We got almost 2x improvement just by switching.

I'm using Guile for a simple web interface to a scientific pipeline. Users upload a file, which is queued up in Redis, processed by a worker which spawns the pipeline.

It's nice to be able to use a flexible and simple language like Scheme for tools like this. The HTML documents are written in SXML, so it's all S-expressions.

(I'm not a fan of Python, the obvious alternative for things like this.)

I'm not too familiar with Guile and have been away from Clojure world for a while but from what I remember people compared CLJ to Racket which seemed to get a lot of stuff before clojure (IIRC, a lot of the stuff was ported over like type annotations). Might be worth looking in to.


Neither Make nor WeeChat are written in Guile. They're both written in C.

They do, however, use Guile as an extension language.


"But if your typey spidey senses are tingling, it’s for good reason: with promises, your whole program has to be transformed to return promises-for-values instead of values anywhere it would block."

(Or lifted into a monad).

To me, that's the big issue with a lot of the concurrency/react abstractions en-vogue now: you are programming indirectly, or more precisely you are programming in a specific (async) architectural style, but trying to express this in a call/return architectural style (that includes methods and FP functions).

Depending on where you are, that often means your actual domain code is hidden inside a lot of maps() or flatMaps(). The first problem is that your domain code really should be primary, and your architectural support code as hidden as possible. The second (but probably not last) problem is that you can easily have multiple of these "lifts", for example another for error handling with Maybe. At some point, it just piles up and the actual domain code is completely swamped.

async/await is sort of the high (or low depending on your POV) point of this approach of mapping other architectural styles to call/return: you just write your code as normal call/return, with normal control flow, and just two little annotations lift everything to a completely different architectural style.

On the one hand, it is truly brilliant, hiding almost all the mechanics of the more asynchronous architectural style so that you can just keep writing procedural code as is. On the other hand, maybe it would be better to make it easier to express those alternate architectural styles directly in code.

This seems like another great move in the direction of the latter.

It's not hard to come up with a working green thread system, I've done that in a VM I'm developing for fun, but the crucial question is: Does it distribute the fibers over native worker threads?

That's my problem with most scheme implementations, they are great for single-threaded concurrency but require nasty hacks like Racket's 'places' for using all available CPU cores. The only fast multicore scheme I'm aware of is Chez, which has other problems, though.

Does Guile do better than Racket with that respect?

What's the state of other language interpreters for guile? It's one of this things I always wanted to have a play with until I remember how much I hate lisp.

Other people have mentioned some real languages, but I'd like to point out something different. Xcb, a replacement for Xlib for interacting with an X11 server, has a complete XML spec that describes the API. What's nice about this is that bindings can be programmatically generated based on the spec. You can do this in any language by writing a program that reads in the XML and outputs text that is the source for the target language that the maintainer would check into their repo. Guile's Xcb bindings[0] takes a different approach. It uses Guile's compiler tower to read the XML spec as source code and compiles it to Scheme. From there, the existing Scheme compiler is used to compile to Guile bytecode. I think it's a very elegant solution and a testament to the power of Guile's compiler tower.

[0] https://github.com/mwitmer/guile-xcb

I remember a push for JavaScript support a few years ago, but these days I think the most well-supported non-Scheme language is Emacs Lisp, as part of the Guile Emacs project.

I suppose that might not help since you "hate lisp", but Emacs Lisp is actually very different from Scheme. In many ways I'd say Emacs Lisp is actually closer to scripting languages like Python or PHP than it is to Scheme, since it has all of those classic Worse Is Better anti-features common to scripting languages from the 80s and 90s: dependence on imperative execution order, heavy reliance on side-effects, emphasising mutation over copying, making awkward distinctions between named and anonymous functions (it's a "2-lisp"), very poor encapsulation and modularity, extensive support for, and use of, monkey-patching, etc.

If you only "hate lisp" due to s-expression syntax, then keep in mind that the best feature of s-expressions is how easy they are to generate programmatically, e.g. from alternative syntaxes, such as








How do you even end up wanting to use Guile if you hate Lisp? The value proposition of using Guile is essentially that you're now using Scheme. You'd be hard pressed to find all that many features that are unique to that system that aren't there specifically because it's Scheme, so how do you even end up wanting this if you find the idea of Scheme/Lisp so offensive?

Also, what is it that you find so repulsive about Lisps?

What do you mean? Other languages running on top of the Guile interpreter? Or implementations of Guile in other languages. Why would you want to run Guile if you don't like Lisp?

One of the features of Guile is different compiler front-ends. I recall one of the original intentions of Guile was to primarily support two languages, a lisp and a more imperative like language. I don't believe this feature is used that much though. You can find the documentation here https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Other-La...

To the degree that open source projects have marketing, one of the things that has historically always come up in Guile marketing is that any language can be expressed in Guile, therefore if only every application adopted Guile as their extension language, those apps could have any extension language they wanted. Do you like C? Then write C and have some hypothetical Guile C front-end run it for you. Do you like Python? Then write Python and have some hypothetical Guile Python front-end run it for yet. Etc.

I'm not sure where that came from. Lisp advocates are (perhaps stereotypically more than in reality) known for citing that since any language can supposedly be easily expressed in Lisp, why isn't everyone running everything in Lisp and simply using hypothetical Lisp front ends to their language of choice? This line of reasoning featured heavily in Internet discussions about Guile in the '90s. "Guile should be the universal extension language because Guile can be any language" was a very common perception, at least among many vocal Guile advocates.

In the last decade or so, I have not heard much along these lines WRT Guile. But in the '90s the idea that "every language can be a Guile front-end" was very much front and center in many stupid, pointless flamewars about why everyone should drop what they're doing and use Guile for everything.

Just to be clear, I like Lisp very very much (and Scheme, and Guile), I'm just super allergic to hyperbole, tribalism, and wishful thinking.

Ironically, thanks to Web Assembly, etc., Javascript may turn into the universal backend language that Guile always claimed to be. This is ironic because I don't think even the staunchest Javascript advocates would argue that Javascript is a better language than Scheme in any sort of idealistic, ivory tower sort of totally objective sense.

Javascript isn't everywhere because everyone wants to use it, rather Javascript is everywhere because Javascript is everywhere, so that's what everyone uses. Javascript is the programming language equivalent of people who are famous for being famous. It has many admirable and interesting qualities, but it was very much a language born out of necessity than design, that lives on because it was in the right place at the right time. I say that not as a Javascript hater (I'm not) but rather as an aspiring language historian.

> Ironically, thanks to Web Assembly, etc., Javascript may turn into the universal backend language that Guile always claimed to be.

Would WebAssembly boost JavaScript's value as a "backend language" (I assume you mean a compiler target, rather than a server-side language?)?

I thought the point of WebAssembly was to stop people compiling to JS, by offering an alternative standard language/bytecode which is specifically designed to be a compiler target, rather than a human readable/writable language.

Sigh. I so wish it was Lua and not JavaScript.

> Other languages running on top of the Guile interpreter?

This one. I've read about various efforts over the years like this one (https://wingolog.org/archives/2009/02/22/ecmascript-for-guil...) for javascript and others for python etc.

>Why would you want to run Guile if you don't like Lisp?

It's the nicest way to embed a high level language in a program I've come across this tutorial is really cool (https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/guile-tut/tutorial.h...). Other there any others that are so simple?

> Other there any others that are so simple?

I think the Lua language itself is designed for the implementation to be easy to embed.


What is the point of exposing a scheduler? Seems like that's another implementation detail that should not be exposed. The user should just instantiate some fibers and go.

Scheduling algorithms are dime a dozen and the default one provided by a runtime might not be suitable for a particular application. A user space scheduler would let you have finer control when you need it. You may have codepaths that are latency sensitive and those that are throughput sensitive.

That's not what this scheduler does. It simply bundles up some fibers. You don't have control over the actual scheduling. Relevant section of documentation

When a fiber would block, it suspends to the scheduler from the current thread. The scheduler will arrange to re-start the fiber when the port or channel becomes readable or writable, as appropriate. For ports, the scheduler adds the file descriptor associated with the port to an epoll set. In either case, the scheduler remembers which fibers are waiting and for what, so that the user can inspect the state of their system.

If no scheduler has been installed in the current thread, the fiber will... well, we don’t know yet! Either it blocks its thread, or it aborts. We don’t know.

In fact it is pretty clear there is zero control user has over any scheduling activity other than suspending and resuming. It is all driven by polling events internal to the implementation.

I was responding to your larger question. User space schedulers would be quite cool, don't know of a language that offers anything over and above a priority queue or timers.

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