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I've been confused by the positive comments it has gotten from people in tech - I found it unwatchably bad and that it actually got worse (not better) as time went on.

Everything from the 'machine' itself, to the cringe acting and writing, dumb tech concepts (woman who 'speaks' for the machine) and all their vigilante killings that only happen in New York. I couldn't take it.

Watch Halt and Catch Fire - it's a thousand times better.

Well, de gustibus non est disputandum right? :)

I watch a ton of TV and I honestly think Person of Interest is the best show I've ever watched.

It may not have the production value of Game of Thrones, the suspense of Breaking Bad or the comedy of .. um.. Seinfeld? but [rest of this comment rot13'd for spoilers]

vg vf gur bayl fubj V'ir rire jngpurq gung chyyf bss fhpu n fzbbgu "traer fjvgpu" sebz cebprqheny gb fpvrapr svpgvba, gb rira penmvre fpvrapr svpgvba.

Vg vf nyfb gur bayl fpvrapr svpgvba fubj V'ir rire jngpurq juvpu vf cynhfvoyr. Gurl gnxr yvoregvrf bs pbhefr: Gur gebcr bs gur "travhf cebtenzzre" gung "qvq rirelguvat ol uvzfrys" vf gverq, ohg jung ur cebqhprq vf fgvyy cynhfvoyr. Vg'q gnxr qrpnqrf, uhaqerqf bs lrnef znlor, ohg gung'f jul vg'f fpv-sv naq abg n qbphzragnel.

Gur punenpgre qrirybczrag bs gur NV vf snfpvangvat naq vg tbg zr gb pner nobhg ure n ybg. Fnznevgna jnf nyfb na rkgerzryl vagrerfgvat punenpgre.

The POI team produced the most unique experience in TV I've ever watched. I won't pretend everybody will like it, but it is the show I recommend to people the most.

You have watched a lot of TV? What about things like Sons of Anarchy, the Soppranos or Oz? Or even the unfinished Profit?

What about them? :)

I don't expect a lot of people to agree with the statement. But I did just put it in front of breaking bad, game of thrones and yes even the sopranos. Those series are all amazing in their own right, but I'll reiterate that Person of Interest is the most unique TV experience I've ever had.

All of the characters in H&CF are great but god damn I love Lee Pace's Joe MacMillan. The overall production is great as well with mostly correct terms and hardware for the time.

I really enjoyed season 1 of Mr. Robot but season 2 really hasn't been the same, it is way too mind trippy for me now.

Yeah, I found POI very cringey for the most part. Although I thought the character speaking for the machine was a fun development. They just took the concept too far by introducing the child later on.

Halt and Catch Fire - where ibm mainframes boot into dos, quality stuff

...and Amigas run DOS too (Joe learning programming recently) with no Sidecar attached.

There are some silly slips, and I doubt they'd mostly be running on C64s, but overall it gets the feel of the period pretty well.

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