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The United States Must Be the World’s Policeman (wsj.com)
1 point by rev on Sept 21, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I now have Ochs' "Cops of the World" running through my head:

  'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
  We're the Cops of the World
  Our boots are needing a shine, boys
  Boots are needing a shine

  But our Coca-cola is fine, boys
  Coca-cola is fine
  We've got to protect all our citizens fair
  So we'll send a battalion for everyone there

  And maybe we'll leave in a couple of years
  'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
  We're the Cops of the World
  Dump the reds in a pile, boys

  Dump the reds in a pile
  You'd better wipe of that smile, boys
  Better wipe off that smile
  We'll spit through the streets of the cities we wreck

  We'll find you a leader that you can't elect
  Those treaties we signed were a pain in the neck
  'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
  We're the Cops of the World

Much of the worlds problems were created by US involvement. We (the US) created the conditions that created ISIS for example (by invading Iraq). We along with the British, overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953 leading to the Iran we have today. Perhaps we should rethink this "world policeman" role.

As usual, google for the title to jump the paywall and read the full article.

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