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Human skeleton found on famed Antikythera shipwreck (nature.com)
53 points by jdnier on Sept 21, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I'm a little surprised that there's anything left to find on the wreck! I guess I've really underestimated the difficulty of underwater archaeology--I would think an important site discovered in 1900 would have been scraped clean by now.

I want to know more details about a "war dolphin", but the Internet doesn't seem to know about it.

I remember that! The ancient Greek dolphin is described pretty well here:


It made me think of the William Gibson short story "Johnny Mnemonic" (the original story, not the almost-unrecognizable movie version).

If anyone is interested in reading about Ancient Greek information technology beyond the antikythera device, this is a great post: http://www.alamut.com/subj/artiface/deadMedia/agoraMuseum.ht...

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