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This article is about 'Steve Jobs' 'going crazy' and doing this 'insane' thing preventing developers from using any old random dev environment to make apps for it's walled garden.

The iPhone isn't very popular where I live at all because the cell companies are crazy rip-off artists... that's has nothing to do with this.

Besides that, regular people (say, my mom) don't give a crap if I wasn't allowed to use ActionScript to write my app or not so what exactly is Apple doing to abuse people? Are they abusing developers? Well, they are limiting them pretty heavily, that's true -- but abusing? Hardly. As you said, Apple can 'fuck off' and surprise surprise that's exactly what Apple is saying to you (figurative 'you', the developer who wants to use AS3, say) - "If you don't like ToS you are required to agree to then don't agree to it."

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