If you say Apple, even developers are going to talk about the iPhone, iPad or Macbook Pro before they get to any of that stuff.
If you say compilers and they somehow get to LLVM, how is it an Apple project? Because they hired some devs? That started years before Apple got involved. Is RoR an EngineYard project because some guys at EY worked on it? Is linux a google project because they hired some guys to work on it? And I highly doubt people are going to get all the way down to clang.
If people mention Webkit, few forget it is a fork of KHTML first.
If developers talk about the Mac OS X kernel they're going to at some point bring up BSD.
Apple is for open development only when it benefits them. And they are bad partners in it. They write bad software in general for other platforms.
We're not losing the forest because of the tree. It is a forest of trees that piss people off, and this just lit a match to the whole thing. If you found a couple flowers in there you like, it doesn't exonerate the forest. And frankly most of your examples are reasons to DISLIKE apple. Did you read Webkit's last release?
Where would be all these projects without Apple's involvement?
Why should I care, who started what?
In that case Adobe should be forever grateful to Jobs and Apple, because they helped them at the start, by suggesting business models and investing heavily while working on the project for LaserWriter and then creating the whole desktop publishing thing.
Adobe's Illustrator has its root in the work on Postscript, which was initially developed for Apple's LaserWriter.
Photoshop started as exclusively Mac product.
Adobe's (originally Aldus') Pagemaker at the start also was developed with Postscript and Apple's Laserwriter in mind.
By the same logic how is Flash a Adobe's product? Because they bought Macromedia?
And I highly doubt people are going to get all the way down to clang.
When you say Apple which comes up in people's mind first, the iPhone, or Clang? Seriously.