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Ok, compilers are fundamental to CS. Have you heard about Clang and LLVM? Do you know who is behind that project?

Not Apple's iPhone team.

Clang is some crazy engineers at Apple. Apple's new policies are straight from the top.

The parent talked about Apple. So did I. By the way, what are your sources? You look so damn well informed about what's going on at Apple.

Have you read the damn article at all? Source to source compilers are now against the TOS. Sure you can do it and how would Apple know - but commercially you can't advertise a tool that does it. Forget what's going on INSIDE Apple, people are pissed off about what Apple is trying to do to those on the outside.

Pardon me? I was not commenting on the article, I was commenting on the comment which outrageously claims pure bullshit that:

  … Apple has been shutting off fundamental techniques
  in computer science since day one.
And it does not name "iPhone team", it says Apple. What I say is that the work Apple is doing on LLVM, Clang, GCD, OpenCL, Webkit, etc. proves otherwise. I would gladly forget what's going on inside Apple, but first, I don't know, and second, this was addressed to some commenter talking like as if he knows (which he don't). So, thanks's for advice, but be advised to read the thread before commenting.

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