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Does Randall realize the power he has? If he wants something to be made or done, all he has to do is post a drawing of his idea, and someone brings it to life.

He should probably draw a liquid fluoride thorium reactor, then..

(If you don't know about the LFTR, check out this talk by Kirk Sorensen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZR0UKxNPh8)

That would make for an awesome XKCD poster!

It only take 48 hours to hack some flash together, might take longer for a liquid fluoride reactor...

It might also depend on how suicidal you're feeling. Check this out http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/things_i_wont_work_with... and notice how many involve fluorine.

Notice also how many involve nitrogen - and you're breathing that right now!

Like nitrogen, the nastiness of flourine is potential. Most actual flourine composites, including those proposed to be used in reactors, are quite stable.

Remember this http://wetriffs.com/ ?

Watching Randall and moot at ROFLcon I felt the same thing. They both have quite the power over their audience. Randall just needs to draw it and moot just needs to say it.

Only if its good and relatively easy to do.

My first thought. Has anyone been tracking stuff that started as xkcd comics? I only recall a couple: self referential chart, Facebook group of million users, MBR love note, people playing chess on roller-coasters, sudo make me a sandwitch robot… Looks like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xkcd#Inspired_activities is missing some.

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