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You don't know SO rage until you get a case of a small, inconsequential problem which is of vital importance to you. After heaps of searching someone else has posted the same issue on SO. Then reposted a while later with "Don't worry, fixed".

As always, releavant: https://xkcd.com/979/

Also the mandatory upvoted comment 'why are you using vb6'.

"You should just tell the client that you'll rewrite everything from scratch in Rust rather than making this two-line fix."

That's just a bot someone made. It scrapes SO, constructs a model of question text and generates new questions from the model. Then, after a random number of days it posts that "Don't worry, fixed" you've seen.

What would be the point of that?

What he's describing is something that also happened (with far greater, more rage-inducing frequency) on tech forums before SO existed.

I believe it is a joke.

Oops. Thanks. I had a fear I was just missing a joke, but I have seen bots used on forums for no immediately obvious/spammy reason and I've also seen people genuinely imagine strange motives for relatively explicable things.

This is probably one of the reasons jokes are very much discouraged on HN. They pollute the conversation and add confusion. I too didn't notice that it was meant to be a joke.

It's a joke. I thought it was obvious, I'd have laughed if someone else had made it and I didn't think it's polluting anything, not tucked away in this side-thread-ish.

I've been using React for my last few projects (not by choice) and have found this a lot. Maybe because its newer, maybe because it doesn't play nice with other front-end things. SO rage indeed.

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