Technology advances occur because something is provided what people want. Advertisement is not what people want. At least not too much of it. If something better comes up Google and Facebook will die.
As with each technology advance it's impossible to know beforehand what will be a hit. Nobody knew that smartphones will be a hit before the first iPhone came out.
However we all know that advertisement is something companies force down the throat of people. This won't be sustainable in the long term. We will experience the Facebook and Google killer.
Perhaps it's neural networks people can train themselves and providing a layer above all communication technology. Perhaps with these neural networks we will recognize that email is truly all we need for asynchronously communicating with each other.
As with each technology advance it's impossible to know beforehand what will be a hit. Nobody knew that smartphones will be a hit before the first iPhone came out.
However we all know that advertisement is something companies force down the throat of people. This won't be sustainable in the long term. We will experience the Facebook and Google killer.
Perhaps it's neural networks people can train themselves and providing a layer above all communication technology. Perhaps with these neural networks we will recognize that email is truly all we need for asynchronously communicating with each other.
We will see.