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The Fourier Transform and its Applications (stanford.edu)
264 points by kercker on Sept 12, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 55 comments

There is this hard question that is often glossed over in a first course on Fourier analysis: We learn that the Fourier transform of f(t) is an integral of exp(iwt)f(t) over all t. But when we look at a table of Fourier transform pairs, we find things like the Fourier transform of a constant function (is the Dirac delta). Integral does not converge? WTF?

I really think Prof. Osgood hits a sweet spot of not sweeping this under the carpet, and not becoming a course on functional/integration theory. I'm a postdoc in theoretical physics, and use these transforms regularly, and I have yet to find a more honest but still useful introduction (although I understand that real mathematicians cringe at my abuse of mathematics.. :)

edit: typo

As someone who has gone down the rabbit hole of measure theory, functional analysis, and the like, I completely agree with the wonderful balance that Prof. Osgood strikes.

For a concrete instance, he brings up the distributional viewpoint of Laurent Schwartz and talks about the class of decaying functions for which one can operate nicely. This was something I next saw primarily in mathematics texts, with very few engineering books caring to talk about this even though it is not very hard to introduce and gives significant clarity to the process IMHO.

Studying Prof. Osgood's stuff off Stanford SEE during my summer vacation at the end of high school was one of the best learning experiences I have had till date.

the other somewhat confusing thing is that algorithms like discrete fourier transform/fft are actually fourier series.

There are three of them.

1. Fourier transform: unbounded real domain <-> unbounded real domain

2. Fourier series: bounded real domain <-> unbounded integer domain

3. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT): bounded integer domain <-> bounded integer domain

FFT is an algorithm for quick calculation of DFT, which is not Fourier series.

you are missing the discrete time fourier transform, which is the dual of your point (2).

Together, these eight domains can be arranged on a commutative cube, all of whose edges have beautiful meanings: sampling, interpolation, etc. The fact that the cube is commutative gives a lot of theorems relating each transform and these operations.

The point being that by your definition of not, DFT is also NOT a Fourier transform. It's only a "transform" in that the two domains are similar (identical, mod complexity). That's quite confusing to engineers who only care about the results. Computationally, the first two are strictly speaking impossible, but effectively, your data come in being modeled as finite real-valued arrays that represent function values, (close enough to "bounded real domain") and need to come out as finite real-valued arrays, represented integer-indexed frequencies, and a DFT on your data will operationally give you that. This is much more realistically described as a discretized pseudo-fourier series.

The discrete fourier transform is actually finite-dimensional linear algebra.

No infinite series nor convergence problems here.

No, it really is a Fourier series.

More precisely take a set of points, do a DFT, then make it infinite by making the rest of the terms 0. You now have the Fourier series of a periodic function that takes hits all of those points. Furthermore it is the "smallest" possible such periodic function in the L2 norm on periodic functions.

> The discrete fourier transform is actually finite-dimensional linear algebra.

Not only that, it's the most interesting kind of linear algebra: it shows that, though every (finite-dimensional if you don't like choice) vector space has a basis—so that we can pretend that all n-dimensional vector spaces are the same for a fixed n—the simple act of changing that basis (which is all the DFT is doing) can have a profound impact.

No, this is not what people mean when they say "Fourier series" which is something like "the Fourier series expansion of a periodic function".

It's not about whether the values are continuous or discrete, but instead about the domain over which the values are defined. Fourier series maps a periodic function over a continuous domain into a countably infinite number of coefficients.

In case this is useful to anyone else:

There's probably an easier way to do it, but if you want to get faster playback (2x is about as fast as I can comprehend this lecturer at), this line seems to do the trick:

    document.getElementById("myElement").querySelector("video").playbackRate = 2

If you're using Chrome, there's a plugin called video speed controller which will let you set the speed of any embedded video.

Not sure if the browser playback supports it but lots of other native programs like VLC do a pitch-compensation/"time-stretching" mode that will make the faster playback easier to live with.

Pressing [ or ] in VLC changes the playback speed in 0.1x increments goes up to at least 10x

Thank you for sharing this! I can't watch a video at normal rate and if I find a video online I try to find it on Youtube to have the speed control. Now I don't need that!

    document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].playbackRate = 2;
Not tested.

Here's my general-purpose speed-adjustment bookmarklet:

And I find that about +70% is the speed I most-frequently want, so here's my one-click "x1.7":

Both of these adjust the speed of all non-iframe-embedded HTML5 video elements on the current page.

Of course, because of XSS-prevention rules, they won't help with iframe-embedded players. For that I guess you're gonna need a plugin.

`queySelector` only returns the first matching element (according to Mozilla docs).

Did it not work?

Looks like many others aren't interested in easier solutions.

This is an exceptional course. In my CS undergrad days, some 7 years ago, when I wanted to make sense of Fourier Series and Transform, this course was my savior. The mathematics text book had a dry and unintuitive treatment of the topics and electrical engineering, physics and computer science books mostly relegated the topics to a few pages in an appendix.

I found this course and printed out the PDF of the lecture notes as I didn't have enough bandwidth for watching the videos. The lecture notes had a wealth of information about the idea of a Fourier Series expansion, it's connection to the Transform and the applications in diverse fields.

Prof. Osgood had great examples. In one such example he showed that the temperature of a ring must be a periodic function of time as the structure of the ring is periodic in space, and then went on to derive an equation for the temperature of the ring that was a Fourier Series.

It was from these notes that I learned a great deal about convolution too. The new website looks much better organized. I'd recommend every CS/EE student to at least watch the first few lectures once.

> electrical engineering, physics and computer science books mostly relegated the topics to a few pages in an appendix.

Out of curiosity, is this really true? Perhaps I misunderstand you, but I have always been under the impression that Fourier Transform was a fundamental building block covered extensively in all EE curriculum?

I took Computer Engineering with some classes shared between Comp. Eng. and EE students. I probably had 2 full-semester classes dedicated to signal processing and fourier transforms. Additionally I took a math course that covered Fourier and Laplace transforms.

I don't know about physics, but it's definitely not true about electrical engineering. The Fourier transform is one of those things that is absolutely fundamental to any branch of electrical engineering, you run into it when doing anything, from microelectronics to power distribution. And there's typically no way you get an EE diploma without a soul-wrenching course on signals & systems.

As a personal anecdote: I ended up taking three courses: one on signals, one on systems, one on circuits (...and systems!). During those troubled uni years, trying to see if I can still remember the Fourier transform was my "am I too drunk?" benchmark. When I could no longer do it, I went home.

And there's typically no way you get an EE diploma without a soul-wrenching course on signals & systems.

Similar to the person you're replying to, my education is in computer engineering rather than electrical engineering. I took the "signals and systems" course which was a treatment of Fourier series, Fourier transforms and convolutions. Since the final exam was open book, I did well by primarily being able to quickly look up the information relevant to each question on the exam. Convolutions did seem a little bit convoluted but the course didn't seem particularly soul-wrenching (compared to, say, the intro circuits course or the intro electronics course). Perhaps I was spared the soul-wrenching bits (e.g. I took a stats course instead of the course on random signals) or perhaps my university's electrical engineering department is subpar.

The soul-wrenching part depends a lot on the professor, I suppose. My Signals teacher was absolutely stellar and put a lot of effort into giving us a solid understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of her course, so it was pretty math-intensive. The exam, as I remember it, was pretty modest in terms of difficulty, but the course was pretty hard. I aced every homework, lab and exam, but that's largely because I loved that course. Everyone I knew struggled with it. It ate a good 4-6 hours off every week, in addition to the time spent on assignments & co. (sometimes more, but by my own making, i.e. because I'd hack on something alluded to, but not taught in that course. Like I said, I really liked that class).

My Circuits and Systems professor, on the other hand, wasn't too interested in this. He obviously cared about us knowing the math, but insisted that he was teaching a Circuits class, not a Mathematics course. His course seemed a lot easier as a consequence. I was never that good at math. I learned it because you can't do engineering without it, but it has always been my weak spot.

(Edit: I don't mean it in the "how much is 12% out of 45 USD? zomg I suck at math" way, that's 5.4 USD, I'm not an idiot. I mean it in the "vector calculus made sense, I think, but I could never have made a career out of it as I did with writing software and designing electronic devices" kind of way.)

My Systems professor was smart but had long stopped caring about that course and his students, so I learned most of the material by myself. At the time, I thought he was an idiot, but I've come to understand him in time. His course wasn't too torturous, largely because I skipped most of the classes.

Most of my colleagues (particularly those in CompEng) didn't take separate courses on Signals and Systems though. They had a single, bigger Signals & Systems course, that was taught by a couple of hardcore professors, both well into their sixties and both of them very draconian. One of them also taught an introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits course that I took, so I knew him firsthand: he was a very good professor, but he was about as flexible as a chopstick. An year when less than 1/3rd of his students failed the final exam was a really good year.

Or, and just guessing by the open-book part, that program didn't have you derive convolutions from scratch, but just use formulaic derivations for common cases. Which is useful and all, but not the same level of soul torture.

Thanks! This definitely parallels my experience in university.

I don't have an EE degree. At my university in India, we had 2-3 basic courses from EE and Signal and Systems as part of the CS curriculum. Although I don't remember the exact textbooks used, I'm pretty sure both courses covered Fourier analysis but only at a superficial level.

> is this really true?

Not in my experience.

As an undergrad MechE, I spent a lot of quality time with Fourier transforms in control theory, vibrations, solving pde's, and math classes. As a graduate CS student, the FFT got a lot of attention in algorithms (for the DFT), computer vision, and robotics (signals filtering) classes.

He probably didn't study electrical engineering, or switched out of it before signals and systems.

I'm an EE, and had a course specifically on Laplace and Fourier analysis.

I think oppenheim's book, and the 6.007 mitocw course explains fourier analysis pretty well

I 'took' the stanford NLP course online it was great.

Doing this one now.

Funny - I did Fourier in Comp. Eng. - but it was jammed together with so many other things, I felt overwhelmed by all of it, I did enough to do decently on the exam, but I feel a lot of it was lost on me, and I forgot much of it.

Using fourier in most computer applications is very rare!

I'm excited to have a project I need to use it for - and weirdly stocked to be watching this video.

I love it when I have a reason to learn something awesome ...

The prof noted that it's almost all EE folks, with a few others, but didn't mention Comp Sci. Can anyone comment on why there were seemingly no Comp Sci people in this class? Wouldn't this be 'core' to Comp Sci?

Not in this detail, no. And I bet there many are CS curricula where fourier transforms aren't in the core courses (or even not explicitly present at all).

It's only relevant for some application domains (and has no "pure" CS use case I can think of), so a basic idea what it does, as a single lecture in a maths course or so, is probably enough in many cases. If you go in an field that uses it, you hopefully learn it in more detail there (or go googling for resources like this...).

>The prof noted that it's almost all EE folks, with a few others, but didn't mention Comp Sci. Can anyone comment on why there were seemingly no Comp Sci people in this class? Wouldn't this be 'core' to Comp Sci?

Why would it? Core CS deals primarily with discrete mathematics. Outside of a DSP or image processing course, there's little reason for a CS student to encounter the Fourier or other transforms.

I took a class on Scientific Computing (required) which went over a lot of core algorithms in various fields, including FFT. I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of programs had something similar.

I don't see Fourier Transforms as core to CS at all. The FFT algorithm is an important algorithm, and I've seen it mentioned as one of many subjects in an upper-level algorithms class, but that's it.

Maybe at Carneigie Mellon, or the better universities. In a typical uni comp sci is a programming monkey degree (at least in Australia...)

Which NLP course are you referring to? Did it have any videos available?

Stanford NLP - Professor Dan Jurafsky & Chris Manning


It's on youtube.

I went through this entire lecture series and I can't recommend it enough. Osgood is one of the most engaging professors I've ever listened to. I would happily learn anything from this guy. My only disappointment was that he doesn't teach anything else!

Web page didn't work for me on my Safari. YouTube works fine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZNm7L96pfY

I think I remember that the fourier transform is used to send a signal across a analog line, for DSL modems, after it's converted from binary.

Since analog lines may not have the same frequency response when it comes to interference, the modem usually tests the analog lines at various frequencies, and only keeps the intervals who are good enough to transmit.

I wonder if the FFT is used for wifi, since wifi passes through an analog signal.

Although I'm not even sure of what I'm talking about is true or relates to fourier.

Yes, Wi-Fi uses the FFT. In wireless systems, the method is known as OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing).

30 lectures on Fourier transforms and not one mention of the Fourier transform over compact groups? (Which is arguably the most generalized/abstract formulation of the concept of a Fourier transform.) A lot of recent research has been done on FFTs over groups like the rotation group and the symmetric group, and this work has lead to significant progress on problems that were previously considered intractable.

> the Fourier transform over compact groups … is arguably the most generalized/abstract formulation of the concept of a Fourier transform.

A good-spirited correction: anyone who knows enough to know this much generality knows that calling anything mathematical the "most generalised" version of a concept is begging to be corrected. Source: I do harmonic analysis on non-compact groups, and suspect that the folks over at the n-category café probably regard my kind of work as dangerously pedestrian (see, for example, https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2010/11/integral_transf...).

Haha, fair point (although in my defense, I did qualify my statement with "arguably").

That's interesting that you do harmonic analysis on non-compact groups; I've been meaning to learn more about that actually. I've been working on group synchronization problems related to the ideas in this paper (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.03840.pdf), which briefly mentions how one might extend the concept to non-compact groups, but doesn't elaborate further.

Sorry for the delayed response; I'm "submitting too fast".

> I did qualify my statement with "arguably"

I always tell my students—and, though it's a joke, I think that it's more true than casual consideration might suggest—that the correct answer (though not one that they're allowed to use on tests!) to any question in mathematics is "it depends." The more elementary the question, the more profound it sounds that you can see angles from which different answers can be correct. (Of course, backing this up with actual profound re-interpretations is the hard part. :-) )

> That's interesting that you do harmonic analysis on non-compact groups; I've been meaning to learn more about that actually. I've been working on group synchronization problems related to the ideas in this paper (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.03840.pdf), which briefly mentions how one might extend the concept to non-compact groups, but doesn't elaborate further.

As a decidedly pure mathematician, that's outside my wheelhouse, although I did have the pleasure of having some of the applications explained to me by one of the authors of one of the papers on cryo-electron microscopy cited in the linked article. I'm afraid that the idea of embedding a non-compact group in a larger, compact group is foreign to my way of thinking about things, so (in case you were implicitly asking) unfortunately I can't shed any light there.

Do you know of a link that does host such mentions?

I've been using the book Engineering Applications of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis by by Chirikjian and Kyatkin (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0849307481/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_tt...). It's very well-written, and I believe an updated version of the book was recently released.

very very highly recomended. Once you can understand the basis of this concept you open your mind to a whole new area of math and things like the finite element method for PDE's and wavelet transforms follow much more naturally.

One of the fun ones, and this may or may not be covered by the link, is generating the "cumulants" for probability density functions. The basic idea in (basic, continuous) probability theory is that you have these things called "random variables" X,Y,Z which now need to be thought of taking on values with various probabilities; and the way we do that is to use calculus (where the d- in "dx" is a special notation coming from the word "difference"; "dx" means "a tiny little change in x"). The basic idea is that there is some joint density j(x, y, z) such that the probability that simultaneously x < X < x + dx, AND y < Y < y + dy, AND z < Z < z + dz, is simply given by j(x, y, z) dx dy dz.

With a bit of calculation you conclude that if we want to analyze Z = X + Y, then the probability-density for Z alone must be h(z) = ∫ dx j(x, z - x); there are a couple ways to do this but my favorite is to use Z = X + Y as a schematic to write a Dirac δ-function j(x, y, z) = j(x, y) δ(z - x - y), then the standard "what is the probability-density for Z alone? integrate over both x and y!" rule comes into play. But you can also reason it out by hand, if you want.

Anyway, then you come up with this cool definition of independence; X and Y are independent if j(x, y) factors nicely into f(x) g(y); independent probabilities tend to multiply. So that's cool.

Now here's where the Fourier transform comes in; consider using a convention where we denote the Fourier transform and with the same function-name but using square brackets rather than parentheses for its application,

f[q] = ℱ{p → q} f(p) = ∫ dp exp(-i p q) f(p).

When we Fourier-transform h(z) for Z = X + Y we get:

h[a] = ∫ dz exp(-i a z) h(z) = ∫ dx dy exp(-i a (x + y)) j(x, y)

and if the two are independent random variables we find that h[a] = f[a] g[a]; the sum of independent random variables has a product of Fourier transforms precisely because the above sum takes the form of a convolution.

Taking a logarithm, we have that the χ(a) = log h[a] = log f[a] + log g[a] and any properties of the logarithm of the Fourier transform of the density function must be additive amongst independent random variables. And this gives the cumulants of the random variables: pseudo-linear expressions (linear in independent random variables f(X + Y) = f(X) + f(Y), with f(k X) = q(k) * f(X) for some fixed q) which characterize the different "moments" of the random variables in question. In fact if we look carefully at the definition h[a] = ∫ dz exp(-i a z) h(z) we see that the variable P = k Z, having distribution b(p) = h(p/k) / k, generates b[a] = h[k a].

Calculating the zeroth, χ(0) = log h(0) = log 1 = 0. No biggie. Continuing the Maclaurin expansion gives χ'(a) = h'(a)/h(a) and at a=0 that's -i E(Z). We knew that the expectation value was linear, so no surprise there. The next term is (-i)^2 [h''(a) h(a) - h'(a) h'(a)]/[h(a) h(a)] which works out to just E(Z^2) - E(Z)^2, the familiar expression for the variance; so variance is pseudolinear (in this case q(k) = k^2). The point is, then you can just go on. There are in fact infinitely many pseudolinear cumulants which scale like q(k) = k^n, coming from this Maclaurin series, with a pattern based in fact entirely on the pattern of derivatives that comes out of log(f(x)).

As a freebie you have a proof of the central limit theorem. Take N independent identically-distributed random variables with characteristic functions χ(a), call them each X_i, form their sum S = sum_i X_i / N, and from the properties we've already seen in this comment its characteristic function must be ψ(a) = N χ(a / N). Do the Maclaurin series to 2nd order and ignore the latter terms for large N; you get convergence to a parabola, which means that the Fourier transform of the probability density is... a Gaussian! And the inverse Fourier transform of that Gaussian is just another Gaussian, so for large N the result must be a normal random variable with mean μ and variance σ²/N, which of course is what they must be, because means are linear and variances are pseudolinear.

Thanks for this cool writeup. My undergrad probability professor had us prove the CLT using cumulants, but I never kept the notes and had trouble finding the same proof later in life. Do you know of any reference that goes in depth about cumulants/FT/CLT?

Actually probably one of the best simple ones is Scholarpedia's article: in particular it covers one of the things that are kind of at the periphery of a non-applied statistician's mind when using cumulants: how the log-normal distribution serves as a handy counterexample to just about everything you'd like to prove about them (e.g. with some tweaking you can prove that the log-normal distribution's cumulant expansion is not unique, therefore you have an injection from PDFs to cumulants, not a surjection).

Something I've never seen rigorously explored: Cumulants appeared in my Master's work in condensed matter, where they at times seemed to have a mysterious tie to Feynman diagrams; that is, there seems to be some sort of analogy between how the Nth cumulant "subtracts out" all of the components of the Nth moment which are just products of the previous N-1 moments to obtain something "additive", and a Feynman diagram containing a vertex joining N particles. In particular Feynman diagrams for pairwise interactions seemed to be eerily similar to cumulant expansions which did not have any 3rd or higher moments. I confess I totally forgot this until I Googled today and saw a question on Math Overflow about it, but it was too sketchy to show me a real satisfying resolution of my mental curiosity. Similarly I remember seeing Young tableaux in some lecture notes on cumulants and then the day after I was working with Marcin Dukalski on some crazy approach he was taking in his thesis, and he spontaneously started talking about "hm, what do the Young tableaux look like for that?" and I was only able to help at all because of some limited understanding from the previous day's reading! So... there's definitely some mathematical resonances when you get to quantum theory.

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