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how can you loathe C++ without caming to loathe it? i mean, everyone is bound to hate it, but you have to try it first to be sure...

How can you loathe Krokodil without coming to loathe it? You have to try it first to be sure...

I think it's flaws, only somewhat addressed in recent revisions, are better known now than they were in the mid-'90s when I learned and started using it, plus the industry wide ... obsession? with OO and especially class based OO has subsided. So someone with good taste who reads and trusts what he reads of these details could, yeah, probably not legitimately loathe it, but at least decide without using it that it wasn't for him.

I changed the initial use of loathe in this context to dislike, thanks for pointing that out.

... I like it ...

Just don't assume loathing is linear...

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