If there were a subscription service you could pay a nominal monthly fee just to have access to someone you could call up with questions and have them whiteboard you through it, that would be worth its weight in gold.
I learn better if you give me a bunch of videos, access to documentation, someone knowledgeable I can ask pointed questions to in order to solidify or correct my understanding and an environment to which I can apply what I'm learning. I don't need someone to hold my hand 90% of the time, nor do I want to waste their time holding my hand for that 90%. I learn faster on my own, but it's way quicker to get unstuck when you can ask questions ... and some things you just can't learn without doing, as my Gran would say: You can't understand the texture of bread dough without getting your hands dirty.
For technical stuff PluralSight et. al, Google, Safari and StackOverflow are immensely more useful than sitting in a class of other people learning to program, except for access to the professor when you need things answered.
I learn better if you give me a bunch of videos, access to documentation, someone knowledgeable I can ask pointed questions to in order to solidify or correct my understanding and an environment to which I can apply what I'm learning. I don't need someone to hold my hand 90% of the time, nor do I want to waste their time holding my hand for that 90%. I learn faster on my own, but it's way quicker to get unstuck when you can ask questions ... and some things you just can't learn without doing, as my Gran would say: You can't understand the texture of bread dough without getting your hands dirty.
For technical stuff PluralSight et. al, Google, Safari and StackOverflow are immensely more useful than sitting in a class of other people learning to program, except for access to the professor when you need things answered.