If you've disabled the StartCom CA due to concerns about lack of transparency[0] and are therefore unable to view pages like this one, you can always click the "web" link above and then view the cached page on Google.
If you care enough to disable one specific CA, then you likely know how caches work and how to find the alternative. Did you plan to post a comment like this on every single HN article which uses StartCom's cert?
OK, so I was also raising awareness of the issue, guilty. And no, this was the only time I've mentioned this on HN, and I'll never mention it again here, you have my word. Had no fucking idea it would draw so much ire (most downvoted comment ever here in half a decade). Was trying to be helpful. Sorry for pissing you all off so much.
For convenience, that link is:
0. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12411870
Edit: To be clear to the downvoters, this has nothing to do with Python, other than they're using the StartCom certs. Not a criticism of Python.