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Show HN: Find a movie to watch the lazy way (lazydayapp.com)
77 points by fjabre on Sept 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 41 comments

It's a little buggy, but it did make front page reddit several months ago: https://www.reddit.com/domain/lazydayapp.com

Looking for help with v2. Hoping to connect with talented web/mobile devs. Thank you!

FYI: Sign-up not fully functional, Now Playing link doesn't always work, selecting a search result might not always work either. Sorry haven't touched the code in several months. I'm hoping to revive this little passion project though!

Do you have any monetization plans, or is this strictly giving back to the community?

Would love to monetize at some point but for now I guess you could say I'm giving back to the community ;)

This is neat, but the tags don't make for a great first impression. #gore, #violence, #beating, #shot to death. It's all well and good if people are into that, but probably a turnoff to the average user that comes across the site.

#suicide This channel has been created for you based on this tag.

At first I read this as: #suicide channel has been created for you based on our magic algorithms.

It is a bit creepy in that way.

Movies in Tops page are based on what people are most interested in, which is a sobering thought. When first loaded the channel selection is random. But there are definitely some depressing/dark tags in the db.

Yeah, to be honest, "topless female nudity" was not the phrase I expected to see.

I agree. I was presented with #male nudity...

Yeah we need to work on the Tops page algorithms a bit. Thanks for the feedback and checking out the site.

I would add that these were selected based on what people were most interested in.

It should tell me which streaming service it's available on... for extra points I should be able to select my streaming services then have the app go to work for me.

Had some ideas in this direction but since this was a passion project being funded out of pocket I could not see those ideas through. Would still love to, hence posting to HN here. Thanks for the feedback.

Is that data available - I imagine the streaming services are wary to provide hard data that can be used to quantitatively compare their catalogues?

It's all over the web and there are free databases like TMDB around that provide good API access

Where does TMDB show me which streaming services Mr.Robot, say, is currently available on? It gives the producing network, catalogue details, all that, but I can't find the details of its availability on Netflix/NowTV/Sky/AmazonPrimeInstant/etc.?

It doesn't. You'd have to scrape a site that had that data or check to see if they have an API. I believe there are sites that do this but as it wasn't core functionality of the MVP anyway we didn't focus on it too much.

Wow, where has this app been all my life.

Misc improvement ideas:

* Torrent streaming ;)

* 1channel integration

* YouTube + Soundcloud + Tomahawk (to fetch movie soundtracks)

* Recommendations (I suppose you could also pull metadata from Reddit like Reddit Music Player does. Crowd sourced metadata tends to be very, very, high quality.)

Anyway, great idea.

Thank you, some good ideas there. I wanted to be careful not to upset the Hollywood elite since I live here ;) and they are a litigious bunch. But with some further development I could make torrent streaming a possibility and/or consider other possibilities to enable people to use it like that. i.e. with 1channel/soundcloud/tomahawk assuming it's easy enough to get to that data and would definitely be interesting to experiment with.

Completely agree about crowd sourced meta data.

Sorry about that. I used optipng to downsize it by 20%. Hope that helps a little. Thanks for the tip. I'll probably downsize it a bit more.

A JPG would be far less.

Is it up to me to actually find a way to watch the movie? The embedded trailers aren't labeled as such and my first thought was that these movies were all available on youtube.. Looks cool!

Thank you! It is up to you at the moment but most of them are available to rent on youtube. I have no affiliate or advertising in place. Pure passion project I funded out of pocket. Hope to monetize at some point. Originally I made it to help me find things on Netflix, but Netflix is scary - legally speaking.

I use justwatch.com to find places to watch specific movies.

Yeah I've seen this site. Difference is I'm focusing on helping the user make a decision, not find out what streaming service a movie is on. The whole time I was building this I kept asking myself one and only one question: What do I want to watch right now? Not that you were saying we're solving the same problem. I though I'd take the opportunity to point out the difference however, as there are a ton of movie rec sites out there. Thanks for checking it out.

I've used wheretowatch.com before, but this seems a lot more comprehensive in terms of the services it looks through. Thanks!

Awesome. I've wanted something like this but for only movies in my collection. What's your stack. HAve you considered open sourcing for more help?

Thank you. We have considered open sourcing but we need to clean some things up on the backend before doing so. Also we have some 3rd party tools that are not free that are part of the core functionality. So open sourcing might not make sense but I would like to make the platform available to users who want to catalogue their own collections. Thanks for your comment

Sorry missed your question about the stack. It's Django/jquery/postgres

Why no SSL on the login / registration pages ?

Because signup isn't fully working yet. There's still a lot of bugs we hadn't worked out in the signup flow. SSL will be up when we get it working.

This is too heavy for my computer.

Are you browsing with a toaster ?

Hmmm.. What kind of comp? It's running fine on my little $200 chromebook

A very old Celeron desktop that works fine for anything else I do and any other website.

Mostly cause of how large the background-01.png is

Used optipng to optimize it by 20%. I'll see if I can get down further without compromising on image quality.

It's a photo, try to use JPG to optimize the file even further.

I feel like I just hit the jackpot...

haha. Thanks for checking it out. I have some v2 designs in place but not the resources to put them into production. Looking for a partner in crime to help.

mulan violence

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