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> I'm not suggesting that that should result in an unfilled office though.

I don't think anything else is even remotely reasonable, in the end.

> My view is that if No Representation actually wins (takes the plurality of the vote), it should trigger a special election where new candidates must be nominated and a new popular vote must be held.

A special election is a not-uncommon vacancy-filling mechanism, but I think you are still going to have to accept vacancies caused by a No Representative win if you want the option at all: by design, elections are usually proximate in time to the end of the term -- the two month time between US federal general elections and the start of Congressional terms is about the length usually specified for a special election, leaving no time to actually tabulate and certify election results before the next term would start, and even if you can squeeze in one special election between the regular election and the start of the term, what happens if you get a No Representative win in the second election? Or does the supposed "democratic right" to vote against all candidates only apply once per cycle (and if it does, why do you think you'll get more acceptable candidates in the second try)?

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