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Considering that old people are more likely to vote for Trump or Hillary, yes it is. CNN doesn't even include ages 18-34 on their polls anymore because those people are trying to vote for actual sane 3rd party candidates.

More concerning is that this site focuses on "issues". As if huge policies will be decided by the next presidency. Instead they should be focusing on the metagame, the shift in public perspective on things. For instance, do you want to support a candidate from a party shown to be corrupt? Is that really less damaging to the future of the US than having a loudmouth arrogant "whatever" on stage for a few years?

A vote for 3rd party at this point is basically a vote for a corrupt party to win.

If only there were some of those on the ballet...

I would love to see Jill in a performance of Swan Lake.

Since I've been following his campaign, I know for sure that Gary Johnson is on the ballot in all 50 states and apparently Jill Stein is 42 states according to her website.

'tis gone. what was it? you've piqued my curiosity.

A jab at Bernie?

At who?

It originally seemed like an exaggerated portrayal of Bernie Sanders.

Link is broken - maybe a private account?

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