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I think that myth got shot down years ago. Along with magical and courageous marketing terms.


Me saying this is downvote-worthy in itself and I'll gladly take my lumps because I'm only adding to the noise, but let's break this down:

(1) You claim that because someone wrote malware that requires root access to install, but can't be used to get root access to a system in the first place, that the vendor who makes that system should no longer publicly state (in their marketing materials no less) that they care about security and design their operating systems with security in mind.

(2) When people downvote your incredibly astute, mature, and insightful comment, you feel the need to follow up on it and complain publicly about people giving downvotes. Because everyone knows that the most appropriate response to downvotes is to complain about getting downvoted.

(3) You don't stop there, though! Why would you? You are so confused as to why someone would disagree with you that instead of reconsidering your original opinion, you assume that a huge corporation must be paying people to downvote the deep, deep wisdom you've chosen to express here. You don't keep this suspicion to yourself though- you are so certain of its veracity that you publicly state your conspiracy theory as well, because of course you will.

Any one of these things is incredibly downvote-worthy. All of these things combined are a perfect storm of comically stereotypical Internet forum asshattery that everyone has seen a million times over during the past 20 years and has no desire to ever, ever see again. Sadly, it will never completely go away because there's always a new generation to keep the traditions of Slashdot circa 1997 alive (or Usenet after September 1993). All anyone can do is downvote on sight and hope that each generation learns these lessons a little more quickly than the one that came before it. Honest critical thinking == good, mindless hateful tribalism == bad, that's all there is to it.

To anyone, like me, who might be wondering what happened on September 1993: I assume it is in reference to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September

Sorry, you are correct! That's exactly what I was referring to.

This reply is a piece of art.


I think he's paid by Apple.

I'm pretty sure AWildDHHAppears was being satirical, please don't downvote him/her.

Apple doesn't have paid astroturfers.

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