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Is it just me, or should API management be done through GraphQL? It doesn't seem like Apigee even uses GraphQL (unless I missed something on their website). Been looking at GraphQL recently, and it looks like it could be a solution. Any experience on using GraphQL in a prod environment?

EDIT: I think Apigee has a great product, not wanting to put them down.

We moved our entire api to Apigee at my previous job (500+ person fast growing startup). It certainly has value and was a great fit for us. Many aspects of the Apigee stack felt kinda weird and cumbersome though and I saw such a huge potential for improvement if you started with GraphQL as the base assumption instead of REST. So that's what we are doing at https://graph.cool/ :-)

We are currently in closed beta, but I'd be happy to personally onboard you or chat if that would be helpful. (contact in profile)

Thanks for the feedback, makes sense to me. Although,I don't understand why mentioning GraphQL gets me downvoted. I'm trying to understand what advantages Apigee has using REST over GraphQL. No hating, just curious.


"We plan to open-source a reference implementation of a GraphQL server and publish a language specification in the coming months. Our goal is to evolve GraphQL to adapt to a wide range of backends, so that projects and companies can use this technology to access their own data. We believe that this is a compelling way to structure servers and to provide powerful abstractions, frameworks and tools – including, but not exclusively, Relay – for product developersWe plan to open-source a reference implementation of a GraphQL server and publish a language specification in the coming months. Our goal is to evolve GraphQL to adapt to a wide range of backends, so that projects and companies can use this technology to access their own data. (...)"

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