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>> "3) Removing the 3.5mm pretty much means Apple is exiting professional audio because it's now incompatible with 100% of everything."

They removed it from the phone, nothing else. In what scenario are you using an iPhone with custom IEM's in a professional audio setting?

I think Apple seriously underestimates its appeal towards creatives. I've been buying Apple products for 10 years because of their ease-of-use with creative software. As they slowly move away from PC's and professional media standards I see their market share diminishing.

They are heading down the path of lowest common denominator just like Microsoft in the early 2000's. I expect the same fate awaits them as someone else fills that role.

What have they specifically done that has made your creative work more difficult? I'm a creative using a MacBook Pro and it's just as good for me doing audio work as it was 5 years ago. They've also been doing a good job with Logic Pro, with some big updates of the last couple of years. Even if they removed the headphone input from their laptops (which I don't ever see happening) it's not going to effect creative professionals because they don't use it anyway.

  What have they specifically done that has made your creative work more difficult?
Final Cut Pro X is now unusable due to them engineering the UX for beginners (it's basically an iMovie Pro) and similar moves to cater to the lowest common denominator. After installing Little Snitch, I noticed my mac was calling home to apple servers for basically any action which slows processing/rendering.

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