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I'm not so sure that it's correct to call Chomsky a leftist. He clearly is not a Marxist and finds the ideology ridiculous, at the same level as religion. If Lakoff is a Marxist or socialist, then the two clearly do not have political views that are compatible.

Chomsky is, I believe, best referred to as a social libertarian, which means that he opposes both state and enterprise power and see them as more or less the same, and instead favors the individual. It is clear here why Marxists don't like him, at all.

I think this is also why the authors of the OA challenge Chomsky without offering anything other than minor claims hidden away throughout the text that language is a product of social interaction rather than a capability that lies within the individual. It is about the collective versus the individual and as a fierce individualist, the authors disagree with Chomsky on political grounds, not scientific.

He's probably better described as an anarcho-syndicalist (I don't think "social libertarian" does the radicalness of his politics justice): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-syndicalism#Noam_Choms....

Not all leftists are Marxists, though they have come to dominate the field. The broad anti-capitalism of anarcho-syndicalism, combined with his well known criticisms of American and western power for so called imperialism, definitely slot him into the "leftist" category in my political schema.

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