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I'd like to see some examples of the summaries. If you've performed a few already, it's literally no additional work to post them.

You might want the units you charge by the word summarized. A possible issue might be highly technical texts that require specialized knowledge. You could charge more for those.

Your business model is basically what I call 1:1 - One person pays for a summary and you perform one summary.

It might be more profitable to do a N:1 - A bunch of people pay for the same summary and you perform one summary.

This is how SparkNotes and CliffNotes work. Imagine selling "The top ten daily Hacker News posts/comment threads summarized daily."

Even better would be to offer summaries of things many people want that are relevant for longer periods of time (so you can sell to more people). A site that summarizes famous speeches would be one such example.

Sure, you can see some summary examples here: https://github.com/simonebrunozzi/MNMN

Those are great suggestions, especially the speeches.

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